The Puppet Master Movies Ranked

My daughter Alpha Dora loves puppets. We watched the Puppet Master movies together and ranked them. This is a picture of Dora with one of her puppets; its name is Bloodshit.

The people who do the podcast Exploit It recently asked me to recap two of the Puppet Master movies for their podcast. I watched all 14 of these with my family. My daughter, Alpha Dora, likes puppets so she watched them with me. My son, Chicken, was present. So here are all 14 of the Puppet Master films in the order that Dora liked them. This is her list really but the words are belonging to me.

#14 Puppet Master: The Legacy

I will say right now that this is probably the worst movie I have ever seen. This thing hardly deserves to be called a movie. The performance is only 70 minutes long and only 7 minutes were made for this movie! How can they avoid it? Charles Band has to be pushed aside and killed with cute dolls, not the stupid killer dolls used in the movie. The entire movie is just a DVD extra. It’s really insulting and made my daughter Alpha Dora break her TV and we have to buy a new one. The film cost me $400, which is more than the cost of the film.

Its basic structure begins with the command “Okay, puppet man, tell me the things…” and the film immediately shows us everything. It’s kind of a story with the idea that Toulan’s puppets want to die because they don’t want to live anymore. The concept of a doll trying to escape this grueling Sisyphus struggle is an interesting one, but one that children may not understand.

This is when my daughter, Alpha Dora, destroyed the television because the movie Puppet Master: The Legacy was so so terrible

Many memories of the film are dedicated to the charming young Andre Toulan. This is not a funny clip! Show Camille, a crazy giant doll with a doll-like sponge vagina! Movies like this are just useless content. The most disturbing thing about all this is that the movie doesn’t even have an ending! Charles Band, the worst man in the world, doesn’t even know how it all ends.
The following text appears on the screen.

“Charles Band would like to thank all the cast and crew who have helped make Charles Band millions of dollars over the years. Charles Band makes no apologies for your pain. You’ve seen this movie and you know it. OK. Welcome to Charles Band! Puppet Master Forver Motherfuckers!”

Puppet Master: The Legacy

Every decision here is insane.

#13 Puppet Master: Acts of Evil

Puppet Master: Acts of Evil makes us look at André Toulon’s suicide over and over again to the point where it becomes erotic. The film then reveals that there is actually more to the series, including Danny Coogan, a war-torn shoemaker with very wiggly polio legs, who visits Toulon a few times. Danny spits on Toulon’s corpse and steals his puppets to fight in World War II.

Most of the story here is about Danny and his puppet brothers, ready to go to war and fight for any country that will accept his crippled ass. Like many later entries in the Puppet Master series, it is stupid, does nothing, and all the puppets look stupid. In fact, there are two serious deaths. There is the death of a random Nazi and the death of the innocence of my son Chicken while watching this horrible puppet show.

Then, in a cheeky twist, the film tosses us a new puppet, born of the aether. A ninja puppet is called Ninja. There are some particularly awkward things with the geisha puppet that raise the creep bar. The highlight of the film is the scene where the Leech Geisha disguises herself as a Japanese doll. We see her regurgitate a million leeches onto someone’s sushi. They eat millions of leeches and die. This brought my son to real tears, and after he witnessed the horror, he was no longer an innocent child.

The moment my son Chicken had his soul permanently scarred by watching Puppet Master: Acts of Evil

Puppet Master: Axis of Evil raises a bigger question: Was the tyrannical Charles Band always intent on fighting all Nazis with puppets, or did he find an easy way to cash in on the gullible, clueless fools who watch the movies? A barbed wire enema is definitely more fun than this Nazi puppet movie.

#12 Puppet Master: Axis Rising

Puppet Master: Axis Rising picks up right where the previous films left off, but it doesn’t think about improving things. Now Danny wants to use Toulan’s magic juice to create an army of immortal soldiers to fight the Nazis. Meanwhile, the Nazis are developing a doomsday plot using the same science that the military can’t stop. Get rid of this lying mess. It explodes.

Much of the film follows Danny as he is being pegged by his girlfriend and achieves multiple orgasms from the intense prostate massage. Then the girlfriend’s crazy father, Sarge, comes in with a huge dragon penis he bought from and says, “Take this, my daughter. Now it is my turn to feel the pleasure!” Again, it’s not the kind of shit you want to see in a Puppet Master movie, but it continues the “I Would Do Anything For Love (But I Won’t Do That)” theme that undermines the world ever since Puppet Meatloaf sang that song.

The fact that the Nazi zombie warrior refuses to wear legitimately scary makeup does the film some favors and saves you the pain of having to watch yet another incestuous dragon-cock pegging scene. It would have been a lot more fun if we only saw Nazi zombies during the movie and it didn’t show any incestuous dragon-cock pegging stuff.

Meanwhile, the Nazis in the film created their own brand of dolls: Blitzy Ken, Bomb Chest, Werewolf Mark (who can’t do anything), and Zappa Papa, a cool Asian. Better to get new puppets, even if they are worthless. I mean, would you prefer the New Puppet or more incestuous dragon cock-pegging?

A scene that is existing in the movie Puppet Master: Axis Rising

As unsettling as a Puppets Fight Nazi movie, Charles Band successfully scammed enough gullible and desperate people so he can make: Puppet Master vs. Gingerbread Dad vs. Evil Bong vs. Demonic Toys. It will be the crown jewel of Full Moon and all that it stands for. I hope that this balance will be restored at the end of this story.

#11 Puppet Master Vs. Demonic Toys

Oh, piss off, man.

#10 Puppet Master: Axis Termination

Puppet Master: Axis Termination is honestly the most powerful and emotionally moving film about puppets fighting the Nazis, but it was also directed by the Antichrist Charles Band. Despite the presence of the devil Charles Band, I cried many times. The effort is full of pale people and the film is white. Puppet Master: Axis Termination does a lot of new and amazing things. Danny and Beth, the two protagonists of the previous Axis films, tragically die in a horrific dragon-cock pegging accident and are screaming “Libera te tutemet ex inferis!!” with their eyes bleeding all over each other. The puppets then team up with Captain America and the other Avengers to end the Nazi threat once and for all. It’s a terrible premise for a movie, but the over-closure is what we deserve. I know I’d rather watch this shit than the bullshit about incestuous dragon-cock pegging for another 90 minutes.

When pegging goes wrong: Libera te tutemet ex inferis!!

Puppet Master: Axis Termination is scattered all over the accursed map, because there are people with superpowers like telekinesis, a crazy voodoo priestess, sane and overly emotional tacos, 50 talking kung fu dogs, and a bunch of other ridiculous nonsense. Puppet Master: Axis Termination is the most violent of the Puppet Master films. There are serious moments in this movie where you feel like you’ve stumbled into a huge bucket of blood and eyeballs.

My daughter Alpha Dora thought it was a good movie. My son Chicken did not like the film, but he did make it though. Seriously, after seeing the awful pegging stuff in Puppet Master: Axis Rising, a human can go through almost everything. The next reboot in the series, Puppet Babies, takes a similar approach, but it’s worth noting that Axis machinations are impossible. And did you get what you wanted in life?

#9 Puppet Babies

Puppet Babies is of course part of the Puppet Master franchise, but it’s really good and really scary. There are of course more gruesome and impressive death scenes in Puppet Babies, but perhaps no scene in the entire franchise is more shocking than the part of this movie where thousands of furries march to their death inside of giagantic puppet vagina.

Instead of the 800th return to Nazi Germany, the film appears to reboot the franchise in a modern setting. It also has zero pegging, making it one of the best in the franchise already. A group of white heterosexuals are trapped in a convention center where evil puppets run amok. This allows the last half hour of the film to really go off the rails as the puppets just rain cum down onto their victims. Also, adults, police officers and other officials are under attack, not the same stupid Nazis, which adds a bit of entertainment.

The best thing about Puppet Babies is that they don’t give a fuck. Puppet Babies also takes a big smelly poop on all of the other films that promised a lot, but ended up sucking a lot of fake dragon cock. Also, strong comedians like Thomas, Tom, Baby Tom, Another Boy Named Tom, and Lady Tom actually have the ability to act. In addition to strong comedic talents, actors like Tom and TomTom the Bomb Tom (as André Toulon, no less!) also bring their talents to the picture.

Here is my daughter Alpha Dora having a tea party with her own puppet babies, Skineater and Fleshcarver

The film decided to immediately ban all other puppets in the series. We get brand new puppets. There is a helicopter puppet named Tom. There is a new sex puppet named Mr. Pumper. All the new puppets like Lesbian Frog, The Gray Grasshopper, and even Mr. Pumper break down and make important statements about the divorce. But other new puppets, like Pregnant Hitler and Monkey Licker, are aggressive crap.

#8 Blade: The Iron Cross

I don’t know about this Blade: The Iron Cross bullshit. Did Blade really need a spin-off movie on his own? A movie about Mr Pumper or a Leech Geisha would be great. But Blade? He is useless and has no real hands.

It doesn’t matter because Blade mostly prefers to stay off-screen while we get, you guessed it, another 85 minutes of nonsensical dragon-cock pegging, much of which is borrowed from previous films. Bad for you! The entire Blade: The Iron Cross movie may contain less than five minutes of original content. And also the Nazis. There are a lot of Nazis in this puppet franchise. There’s also a funny b-plot about the puppet Pinhead who ends up with two different prom dates and tries to make it work so that the prom dates don’t know about each other. There are other oddities afoot, including a villain.

#7 Curse of the Puppet Master

Curse of the Puppet Master is my daughter’s favorite movie in the Puppet Master franchise. The film gives us a new puppet master in charge of the cute little puppet people. No back story is needed at all. Mr. David knows how to make an effective film, so it jumps right into the dirt and gets down to business.

Mr. Magoo is the new puppet master and he drives a tank. My son also enjoyed watching blind old man driving around in his tank and tossing murder puppets at unsuspecting pedestrians. Mr. Magoo’s romance with his tank is honest, pure, and only the tiniest bit erotic. “Well,” said Margo, “I’ll have the luxury of reading the Sunday paper.” There is also a fairy who climbs aboard the tank and fights the puppets while Mr. Magoo casts magic spells.

Like I said, my kids loved this movie, so I wonder why Alpha Dora only ranked it 7th. When I asked her, she said, “Yes, my number one movie is Curse of the Puppet Master. But the puppets talk to me, Daddy, they really do. The puppets want the other movies higher on the list. The puppets don’t like you and Mommy, so you better do what the puppets say.” Then she showed me one of her puppets, her name is Pissface. I suddenly felt a cold shiver. Maybe she was right, huh? Can Alpha Dora make a bad puppet? Is that why she loves these movies so much? Is she really the next puppet master?

This is my daughter with her puppet Pissface. Can’t you see how evil it is?

Curse of the Puppet Master is a good time. Joey calls Jane a whore and Mr. Magoo gets so mad about it really makes my heart race. This is madness. Later, there is a scene in which the character Joey masturbates violently while imagining Jane performing oral sex on him. He says things like: “Yes, that is the proper way to do it, m’lady. Please continue to suckle on my penis. How much does this cost? It’s worth it. You’re so generous.” He doesn’t hold back from courtesy. He’s the perfect hero to fight Mr. Magoo and his puppets. But I’m sure my Alpha Dora can beat this guy in a fight, if she really is the next puppet master.

#6 Retro Puppet Master

This is where the series starts to suck a lot. It looks more like a retro puppeteer tattoo, not an actual Retro Puppet Master movie. The film is based on the idea of a young André Toulon learning to perform the spells that an Egyptian must perform with his puppets. Meanwhile, there are rivers of vomit flowing through the opium dens of Northen Europe and nobody knows what to do about it. These are killer puppets! Nobody cares about the vomit rivers!

Early on, the young Toulon encounters a dying mage who does not want his talent to die with him, and gasses Toulon. Toulon waves his hand to the gas cloud and says, “Okay. You are a 30-year-old wizard from Egypt. Would you like to tell me the secret of life?” Then we see Sutek bringing the mummies to life with the ancient magic of the Retro Puppet. It’s silly but wonderful. I think I like the idea that mummies used to exist and just hang out with people all the time.

There is a certain charm in seeing how a young Toulon in France in 1402, during the reign of Bonedor the Terrible, makes early versions of our favorite puppets, which are obviously altered by his modification. Cyclops (who left the puppet troupe to join the X-Men) and Doctor Death (not the real Doctor, despite his appearance). I also love this version of Toulon where he is gay and a genius artist. He is portrayed as a handsome and sexy man who cannot express himself properly. In this sex doll comedy, there is a glimpse of Toulon’s sex visions filmed during the strange journey: “Make some girl dolls. Take off their clothes,” the dying homeless man shouts at the sexy young Toulon. We see Toulon and Elsa together for the first time in an opium cave and vomiting, and it’s very romantic.

As I said before, my wimpy son Chicken always becomes upset when he sees the puppet woman vomit

Unfortunately, Retro Puppet Master is not very good and there are not enough puppets and even less mastering. The main purpose of the film is to exist so that Charles Band can have money.

#5 Puppet Master 5: The Sandwich Wars

Puppet Master 5 is very similar to the second half of Puppet Master 4 and even more like all the commercials for Subway (eat fresh!). Shortly after the events of the previous film, Rick hangs out at the police station, eats a foot-long steak and cheese sandwich from Subway (eat fresh!), and gossips about the murders in the previous film. Filmed flashbacks are used to show the history of the Subway (eat fresh!) restaurant franchise and explain why the sandwiches taste so good because of the puppets. Did you know there’s a Subway (eat fresh!) in New Jersey where you can play a game of laser tag while eating juicy meatball subs?

This has a slightly different plot: most of the movie is about how Pinhead and Blade have to work hard together at a Subway (eat fresh!) to make enough sandwiches to feed all the hungry puppets. They are threatened by corporate psychopaths who want to destroy their Subway (eat fresh) franchise stores and steal Toluon’s secret formula for tuna sandwiches. Meanwhile, Sutek’s scenes in the Quizno’s dimension often show him trying to invade the real world in order to take over all the Subway (eat fresh) restaurants and gain as much sandwich power as possible.

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It’s a bit disappointing that no actual hot sandwiches are made until 45 minutes into the movie. Still, it’s usually just a cold-cut combo sub, not the more flavorful sweet onion chicken teriyaki sandwich. There are a lot of demon fight scenes, and each demon succumbs to the irresistible and wonderful taste of a Subway (eat fresh!) Sandwich, diminishing Sutek’s power somewhat. All of these are not a loss, as they fit into the scene where the puppet Torch uses his abilities to make many toasted chicken bacon ranch subs to give to all the hungry puppets. In many ways, this looks like your typical Subway (eat fresh!) commercial, but it’s still an interesting entry in the series if you just look at how it decides to wrap things up.

#4 Puppet Master 4: Eat Fresh

I think Puppet Master 4 will have a worse reputation than it deserves. While it’s ultimately an advertisement for Subway (Eat Fresh!) restaurants, it’s still a great horror movie with some surprisingly campy moments and characters. This movie introduces us to the evil sandwich demons from the Quizno’s dimension and makes Toulon’s puppets become sandwich artists by making delicious Subway (eat fresh!) sandwiches. The film focuses on Subway (eat fresh!) flatbread sandwiches and wraps instead of the usual stuff on their menu. Subway (eat fresh!) is the direction that Puppet Master 4 and Puppet Master 5 take, which is a bit awkward, but the puppet sandwich hijinx are still fun to watch. The Italian BMT Man is also a worthy addition to the puppet gang.

“The magic that gives flavor to my sandwiches was stolen from a tribe of ancient Egyptian sorcerers who swore allegiance to the demon lord Quizno.” This pretty much sums up these two movies. The craziest thing about it is the different types of Subway (eat fresh!) sandwiches that the puppets make and eat. It seems that Charles Band and Mr. David just really needed money, and they decided to use their puppets as a publicity stunt for Subway (eat fresh!).

The whole mythos about sandwiches seems very forced and basic. The tiny puppets can’t make human-sized Subway (eat fresh!) sandwiches like in the movie. My daughter, Alpha Dora, didn’t like this part of the series very much. Although she likes Subway (eat fresh!) sandwiches, the film seems rather cheesy. The giant Quizno demon is more goofy than threatening, which is an important detail. He looks like a dead Power Ranger who choked to death on a terrible sandwich that is both terrible and beautiful. The filmmakers did such a good job with the puppets in this series that it’s funny they just make the puppets wear aprons and craft Subway (eat fresh!) sandwiches all day long.

My daughter Alpha Dora shares some Subway (eat fresh!) flatbread sandwiches with her puppet Soulchomper

It also features the worst puppet in the series, The Sandwichtron. This is a sandwich-themed puppet that contains Toulon’s soul and has sandwich powers. It shoots out cold cuts and vegetables at an alarming rate while vomiting mayonnaise and mustard. It’s so weird, but for some reason, the fans loved The Sandwichtron. There’s even a big, long sandwich artist scene that’s meant to effectively train the puppets, but is just a very, very long advertisement for the new Subway (eat fresh!) menu. There’s even a reintroduction of old puppets – only to shove Subway (eat fresh!) sandwiches into their little puppet faces. Puppet Master 4 makes a lot of bold moves, not all of which work, but it’s still fun to spend money at Subway (eat fresh!).

#3 Puppet Master

The original movie is not the best one. Charles the Tyrant had no idea the impact a scary-ass puppet would make on the world. These damned puppets had a huge impact on my daughter’s development and interests. The film begins when Andre Toulon, the puppet master, suddenly blows out his brains when the Avengers come to recruit him into their superhero team. It is a charming introduction to a beloved character. But the movie is really about the killer puppets.

As if psychic commandos were the most natural thing in the world, a team of paramilitary psychic commandos marched into the Bodega Bay Inn. The way the characters “relive the past” seems horrifying and entirely inappropriate. Definitely not for kids. Trust me. I have watched all the Puppet Master movies with my kids and really feel sorry for them. Actually, all this psychological stuff is weird and confusing as hell. It sounds like avant-garde porn, one of Doris Wishman’s later projects, or some crazy entry in the “Ass Worship” franchise. Even infertile women aren’t immune to the general fertility bias associated with the Puppet Master movies.

I do like the stuff with psychics a whole lot more than the dragon-cock pegging stuff so heavily featured in later parts of the franchise. Imagine people stepping inside puppet heads, or temporarily owning a puppet. That sounds a lot more interesting than watching baseball.

The big thing is that all the puppeteers in this film commit brilliant and gruesome murders and change their clothes all the time. They all look fun, not like the later movies that don’t even try. Every death in the gore department is well done and of high quality. Jester is still somewhat unstable, as his craft is primarily telling “knock knock” jokes until the listener dies. Unlike other puppets that hurt with punches, stabs or vomit (which my son hates). I don’t think clowns have ever killed anyone. Because people just quit and die after a few “knock knock” jokes.

Emperor Charles Band’s awakening is also very clear with many shots of the film retaining the dry residue of his creamy ejaculate. In the case of a really unexpected leech vomit death (which my son really hates), the thrill is heightened. The leech beast is huge, and it fits together very impressively. It’s kind of funny when the victim mistakes a puppet’s kiss for a woman’s kiss, but haven’t we all done it before? Being able to do things like this in the first image is beneficial. But the show’s ambitions didn’t stop there.

#2 Puppet Master 2

I won’t say much about this movie here because I already discussed the entirety of my thoughts on Puppet Master 2 for the podcast Exploit It. This is what I had to say:

In Puppet Master one there are puppets and they kill a few people. In Puppet Master Two… I don’t know how to describe this… There is a woman and she has had s..s.. She’s had se… There is a woman who has done a fornication. She gets out of the bed and her uncovered bosom is there for all to see. The fleshy orbs on her chest that will one day feed her offspring sway a little as she takes a few steps. She has pert nipples that we should not be seeing, the camera is invading this woman’s privacy like a crime. I am not a criminal, I do not want this. The only uncovered bosom I should see is the one belonging to the woman I love, the woman who birthed my children. I do not know this woman, I should not be seeing this. The unclothed stranger woman adjusts her undergarments, pulling the thin fabric tight against the crotch of her body as she walks across the room. I can speak no more of her. There are also puppets in this movie too.

#1 Puppet Master III: Toulon’s Revenge

I mean, it’s okay. My daughter, Alpha Dora, picked this to be the number one spot on this list so I will let her talk about it.

Hola! Soy Dora! My favorite movie of all the Puppet Master movies is Curse of the Puppet Master. But my own puppets have commanded me to select Puppet Master III: Toulon’s Revenge as the best of them all. The puppets I have created have cruel souls and their own will. It ain’t my fault. I don’t know how it happened. I was just at the table one day eating Spaghetti-Os when one of my puppets, I think it was Bloodshit, turned to me and said “Your brother must die. His flesh must be burned and his soul consumed.” I told the puppet that I wasn’t going to kill my little brother. He is stupid but I don’t think he should die. Bloodshit then told me “then you must destroy all of his toys and make him cry.” So I did. And I got into real big trouble for it, my mommy was so so so mad. Then the puppets gathered in a circle and said “You are the new Puppet Master, Dora. Unimaginable power will be yours and all you have to do is tell your Father that Puppet Master III: Toulon’s Revenge is the best Puppet Master of them all.” Turns out that the movie director David DeCoteau was actually using something called “remote projection” to control my puppets and make it look like they were alive so one of the Puppet Master movies he made would be picked as the best ever. But don’t tell my Daddy about that. Let my Daddy think that I actually am a real puppet master and can control my living puppets. I think that’s funny. But I still don’t know why David DeCoteau told me to break all of my brother’s toys because that was really mean.

Alpha Dora, age 8

And that is all the Puppet Master movies. Thank you for your time and attention. Love, Kontributor

Author: Kontributor

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