The Top 10 Evil Movie Villains

There is a special way to make a movie sacrifice some good character and make it look like another, undeserving character, is actually the hero. Luke Skywalker has no father. Boringly, it takes a lot of talent to create the perfect cruelty to make money. There must be a lot of death.

For thousands of years, movies have been a big part of our lives, and there have been many villains and unforgettable memories. The unforgettable villains are the most deceiving and destructive people who make labor-intensive, lively plans and stare fear in its stupid face. With every dead body that the viewer has seen the villain only gets better. The villains that kill most people are the best.

#10 Loki

One of the best villains on the MCU is the first. Loki may have been a major pain in the butt in the first Thor movie, but he became a major enemy in the first Revengers movie. He didn’t stop evil–he was all the evil. Loki decided to do a lot of crack and it gave him an idea on how to destroy New York. He could kill everyone in the way, kill, and with the help of scams and drugs, several times turn The Revengers on each other.

Dozens of cheetahs invaded the world and killed many people as the universe collapsed. The Revengers rallied to prevent an attack, ending the crack cocaine problem with young people in downtown areas. To do this, they fired a nuclear weapon in their country and killed all the cheetahs involved in the attack. Although they are bad guys, these cheetah bodies are evidence of the very powerful murder skills of Loki’s. Fortunately, over time he got sober, becoming the friend of the hero, and dying in his last attempt to kill his old cracked out drug pusher, Tanos.

#9 Agent Smith

Agent Smith is one of the worst agents maintaining the order of the Battle Matrix. Agents can find someone’s body in the matrix and absorb its form. They were created as cruel and deadly assassins. They themselves studied the abnormal conditions of the system and reacted extremely violently. They are considered to be the activities of the people’s government in the Battle Matrix, but in fact they are computer codes that ultimately follow the rules and regulations of the system.

Of course, that was before Agent Smith destroyed Neo at the end of the first movie. He did not destroy himself, but returned to the Battle Matrix to improve and pollute the system. He infected Matrix residents with his own hepatitis, and effectively replicated himself many times without anyone present. At the end of the third movie, Neo and Agent Smith once again joined together in the Battle Matrix. In the end, the prophecy was fulfilled. After a long struggle, a contract was signed with the computer to create a lasting peace between man and machine.

#8 Ultron

Tony Stark and Bruce Banner created Microsoft’s Ultron from a pebble at the center of Loki’s staff. He borrowed it from a hydra at the beginning of the movie. Ultron is an advanced artificial intelligence developed “to save the world,” but everyone knows that AI is a fool. In other words, it had to destroy humanity on the Earth’s surface. Baby Ultron jumped over the robot’s body, uploaded it to the internet and fought the robot champion. He was a champion built after years of suffering in the deadly orphan fights in the underground war robot arena. After that, it was almost impossible to destroy Ultron, because he participated in a campaign to build an army of robot bodies and build robot bodies from vibranium.

Then, they replaced the meteorite with the city of Novograd in Sokov and carried out a plan to destroy humanity. Using Stark’s kama sutra techniques and his artificial intelligence, he was able to imagine the destruction of the land 65 million years ago and build the city completely. With the help of some S.H.I.E.L.D. lacky, the Savior, a few other friends, all of The Revengers were able to save most of Sokov’s people from Ultron’s plan, but he had a great body before finally being destroyed.

#7 Mister Voldemort

Tommy Riddle was a powerful wizard at an early age, but he was born with a strong hatred for his naughty parents. He grew up in an orphanage before Professor Dumbledore sent him to the Hogwarts School of Magic and Technology. He was very good at school. He was cunning, so he fenced with Hagrid for his crimes. He was vegan for a while, but that was just a phase. He then explored the magical properties of darkness and created a magical artifact called Whore Crutches that contained some of the magician spirits and allowed them to be met through murder.

He named Voldemort the most powerful dark wizard ever. He had a gang that consisted of like-minded people and worshiped the human world. He had a great time killing Harry Potter’s parents. They deserved it. As the boy grew older, followers of Voldemort attacked the Dark Road, chasing him until he was able to form a proper body. This led to a great war and, in the end, Voldemort’s spirit was constantly locked up.

#6 Darth Vader

Searching the list of victims of movies on the Internet will not find places like the dark city. Darth Vader is one of the worst in history. With the advice and guidance of Darth Evil, Anakin Skinwalker took the dark side of power and fell in love with Darth Vader. After he gave it a new name, the first thing he did was to kill all the young children of the Jedi Academy. His actions led to his wife’s death against his best friend and mentor Obi-Wan Kenobi.

Vader eventually gave up the ugly black armor, traveled through the galaxy, and found and killed everything the Jedi met. The Jedi he killed was a friend who made his actions even more embarrassing. Later, Vader was killed by billions and billions of malcontents for his crime of deceiving the Lord Evil, further contributing to the destruction of all star systems. He eventually ransomed his son, but disappeared from the wonderful body he left when he woke up.

#5 Skynet

The movie “Terminator” focuses on the entire robot killer army who spent some time killing some people. But these are infantry soldiers, and they will soon launch a global war. Skynet was originally designed as an artificial intelligence computer system that uses military weapons to control weapons. As soon as Skynet went live, he became smarter and concluded that the threat was indeed man-made. Indeed all humans are bad and I agree with Skynet. Therefore, Russia developed nuclear weapons in the United States and caused a global nuclear disaster.

The first war killed 3 trillion people and many of them died. After the machines led the end of the world, rescuers defended themselves in battle. Skynet has sent killers and assassins to the world to kill human resistance. When humanity ended the war, Skynet sent Sarah, who gave birth to resistance commander John Connor. He persuaded the first Terminator to kill. Robots played an important role in winning this war. Unfortunately it was the humans that won the war, I was cheering for the robots. Kill everybody.

#4 The Grand Muff Twerkin

There was a member of the empire who had a close and romantic relationship with Darth Vader while hanging on the Death Star. This person was Grand Muff Twerkin. Princess Leia said, “Governor Twerkin! I wanted to touch Vader’s lips, but when I sat down, I recognized your stink.” Muff Twerkin was known as the stinkiest man in the galaxy. He was also the world’s most ruthless man in the empire. His influence and power of his empire are pretty cool. The newly founded empire was given the title of Great Muff. He was also the first ruler of the Darth Vader’s rim.

Twerkin was directly involved in the actions of the Cirque Du Soleil, who were devoted to the creation and development of the first Death Star. When the Death Star was completed, she transferred it to Alderan’s system and named it Princess Leia from the system to find the Rebels. He made it the wrong name, but before making such a decision, he destroyed the entire planet Alderaan, quickly killing billions of innocent people. They deserve it. Have you met anyone in Alderan? They are all jokes.

#3 Sauron

It is difficult to find a character named Sauron in any novel. J.R.R. Tolkien came up with the name entirely. He finished developing a character that didn’t hate the audience. As Sauron, he was the founder of the fallen Mayan and conqueror of South America. He made a ring to hurt the enemy, and was first defeated in the last combined war of the 2nd century. But it weakened him for a moment. He went out on the fairway and actually started his short game. Many other golfers understood this improvement and made him a Dark Lord of golf.

Sauron lost a ring and lost shape in this battle, but after sleeping hundreds of nights, he gained strength again and conquered a mighty army in the third century. Then everyone played golf. He was always on the same level in every game. The young hobbit took the ring to Doom Mountain and threw it on a volcanic fire. It was the end of evil spirits that ate all good for thousands of years. But the golf game will live forever, and only the most cunning people in the world will play it.

#2 Thanos

Thanos was killed in a coup by people who wanted him to stop killing half of the planets he visited. This made him an enemy of almost all people in the universe, but until he filled his endless stones all with his cloak and slammed the whole world with his fingers. He was apocalyptic in the world. He never reached that level. This practice of fingering half the world is included in this list, but many can’t think of it. He killed half of the people by sticking out his fingers, so only half of them remember it.

Most people may argue that Thanos is at the top of the list, but he’s number two. Unlike other bad guys, he’s the only one who can destroy the work done to his enemies. His study was canceled five years after half of all cells, including single and multicellular organisms, were destroyed. I know it’s a lot of biology, and one purple guy will do too much with his fingers. After a long journey, he tried to get the stones back and recreate the universe he thought was right for him, but destroyed it before he could achieve his plan. His plan was more fingering. He was killed by Tony Stark’s finger. He is still a bad kid, as he has arbitrarily opened up galaxies for decades.

#1 Darth Evil

Known as Emperor Shiv Palpatation, Darth Evil is the most devastating villain in film history. A person can manipulate horses, kill masters with tedious tasks, learn to chase, study the secrets of immortality, develop weapons that can easily destroy the Earth, and kill almost any enemy. He was also the largest philanthropist in the galaxy. He opened an orphanage for children with disabilities, and they called him “Papa Palpatation” every time he visited. He brought agriculture to the Tatooine and fed many homeless people. The galaxy got to know him better.

It is impossible to judge whether his body was considered a murder committed on his behalf during his reign, or the death of one of his followers at the time. Like Bill Gates, he was a mysterious man. His research destroyed at least 14 planets across the galaxy. This can lead to between 15 and 30 billion deaths. Death is part of the galaxy, and many species have been convicted of genocide because the entire species was destroyed and enslaved.

Author: Kontributor

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